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Customer Spotlight

Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey

Winter in Little Egg Harbor means the temperatures can drop to the low 20s by sundown. Summery beach weather is nowhere to be seen in this coastal town, and most residents have fled to warmer temperatures. Water pipes can’t migrate south though, and while homeowners are gone, pipes can easily freeze and burst.

With the Sensus FlexNet® communication network, Little Egg Harbor Municipal Utilities Authority (LEHMUA) can monitor water use and directly alert customers to abnormal consumption patterns via email, text or phone call at any time of day.

In addition, LEHMUA uses consumption data to:

  • Provide more accurate and reliable service
  • Monitor all of its 9,000 water meters 24/7
  • Ensure accurate bills
  • Improve operational efficiency and save water

Read the case study to learn more.

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