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White Paper

Reasons Utilities Select FlexNet Over Cellular for Their AMI Network

FlexNet is Purpose Built for Utilities

With FlexNet, your Smart Utility Network needs can be achieved with one system that has been designed from the ground up for each of our utility customers. Using a system that supports multiple applications on a single network—for a variety of solutions—is the most cost-efficient option. Furthermore, FlexNet brings you the lowest total cost of ownership while continuing to support your deployment for 20 years.

Sensus’ commitment to the utility industry and our contractual guarantee on your AMI system’s performance contrasts with that of cellular, which was developed for voice communications with data support added later. Today, voice customer revenues dominate the cellular industry with the vast majority of their customers being individual customers, not utilities. FlexNet is 100% designed and dedicated for water, electric, and gas utilities.

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