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Move beyond the meter to true AMI with Sensus

A true AMI solution isn’t just about smart meters – it’s about having better insights into the health and performance of your entire distribution network. And those insights enable you to be more proactive in managing assets and providing safe, reliable gas for your customers. Sensus is the only gas metrology manufacturer that has a suite of solutions extending from meters all the way to the source. So when it comes time to choose your AMI partner, choose Sensus.

Here are just a few examples of how Sensus can help you at points throughout your distribution network. Gas utilities use our solutions for:

ERT Meter Reading

FlexNet EasyLink™ Dual Reading is the simple, cost-effective way to
transition from ERT technology to the FlexNet™ Communication

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Pressure Regulation

Ensure safety and reliability with a precise pressure management

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Customer Portal

Give customers greater access and control over water and energy use.

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Cathodic Protection

Reduce corrosion protection costs for test points and rectifiers on
gas pipelines.

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