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Global Partners

Our partners help you reach farther, using technology and data-driven insights to deliver efficiency and responsiveness for your operations.

With the industry’s broadest portfolio of applications across gas, electric and water utility and municipality markets, we have built a network of partners to support your needs. These partners range from application providers, meter and measurement, communications and system integrators.

Communications and Network Partners

Arqiva AT&T Bravo CAS Technologia Cisco ComBus Entropia EDMI e-Formula IBM KDDI Mirait Saudi Telecom Verizon

Data Analytics Partners

Harris Utilities IBM

Demand Response and Energy Management Partners

Energate EnTek HAI by Leviton OATI Rainforest Automation Tendril

Distribution Automation Partners

ABB AT&T Beckwith Electric Co G&W Harris Utilities Horstmann HHH HD Electric Company I.C.M.I. Joslyn Hi-Voltage Lindsey Power Delivery Products CG Power S & C Electric Company Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Siemens Verizon

Software Partners

CAS Technologia Clevest eMeter Harris Utilities Oracle Utilities Red Hat Thingworx

System Integrator and Consultant Partners

Black & Veatch Capgemini IBM Siemens

Third Party Hardware

Aclara Genus Honeywell Selec

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