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FAQ: FlexNet EasyLink Mobile Communications Solution

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Can the solution read Itron ERTs and Sensus FlexNet enabled meters and FlexNet SmartPoints simultaneously on the same mobile route?

Yes, the EasyLink solution has a transceiver that reads both Itron ERTs and Sensus FlexNet technology on mobile reading routes.

Can EasyLink read Gas, Water, and Electric ERTs?

Yes, the solution reads Gas, Water, and Electric ERTs that use the 96 bit Standard Consumption Message (SCM and SCM+).

How can I tell whether the ERTs I have are 96 bit SCM messages?

The Serial Number will have 8 digits. Most ERTs deployed today meet this criteria.

What if I have Wake-Up ERTs?

The EasyLink solution can send out a Wake-Up tone to read those ERTs, and read Bubble-Up ERTs simultaneously.

Aren’t SCM and SCM+ messages patented?

Patent protection on SCM and SCM+ message has expired, meaning anyone can read the 96 bit SCM and SCM+ messages.

Can Sensus read ERT SCM technology from Hunt AirPoint enabled electric meters?

Yes, EasyLink can read GE/Aclara, L+G, Elster, and Vision Metering meters with integrated Hunt AirPoint or Itron ERT technology.

If our utility selects to deploy SmartPoints/FlexNet enabled meters and EasyLink, do I have to replace my entire Itron Mobile reading system and head end?

The utility has multiple options for deploying EasyLink:

  • Full changeover of the system from mobile reading hardware and head end software (interface to billing or MDM)
  • Use both systems in parallel – deploying EasyLink Transceivers only for reading the routes populated with FlexNet communications, and continuing to use your existing Itron system for the other areas having two interfaces to billing
  • Use both systems in parallel – deploying EasyLink Transceivers only for reading the routes populated with FlexNet communications, and continuing to use your existing Itron system for the other areas having one interface provided by Sensus to billing


Does the utility have to make changes to our CIS, Billing, or MDM in order to use EasyLink?

Sensus will have an MVRS file export readily available, and has a team of developers that can support any special interface requirements needed

What are the advantages of SmartPoints/FlexNet over ERT technology?

Sensus FlexNet technology operates in FCC primary use licensed spectrum. This enables the module to transmit at much higher power, 2 watts versus 1 milliwatt or 100 milliwatts for ERT technology, but transmits only on request during a mobile route. This enables the utility to read up to 10X further away than today, and really helps in those hard to read situations.

The FlexNet modules deployed for AMR migrate automatically to AMI upon deployment of network collectors (Base Stations). This protects the utility’s investment over time if they decide to move to AMI. It also enables a utility to seamlessly add additional functions with minimal infrastructure:

  • Remote Disconnect/Reconnect
  • Pre-payment
  • On-Demand reads
  • Demand Response
  • Conservation Voltage Reduction (electric)
  • Outage Detection (electric)
  • Theft/Tamper
  • vPhase detection (electric)
  • Leak detection (gas and water)


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