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White Paper

Improving Utility Performance Through Analytics: Market Research Report

Analytics software enables smart

Together with Utility Analytics Institute (UAI), Sensus surveyed utilities across the board and found some common ground around their biggest business and operating challenges today, and how data and analytics can help them counter these while increasing value across the enterprise.

Utilities are an industry at odds. Behind in necessary investments to replace dated infrastructure assets and IT systems, they also must usher in a new way of doing business. The utility customer is demanding more flexibility, choice and an overall better user experience. Operations and investments need to be guided by predictive insights that can identify problems before they occur. At the heart of all this is data and analytics.

In this white paper, you will learn:

  • Where our industry stands in terms of analytics adoption and utilization.
  • How analytics can solve some of your biggest challenges.
  • Why a customer portal may deliver the best ROI.
  • Proof that investing in analytics makes a difference. (3 case studies)

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