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e-Book: 5 Customer Benefits of Switching from PLC to AMI

Grid Edge e-Book

Today’s consumer expects information at their fingertips and want to make informed decisions about their energy usage. Many utilities are responding accordingly by placing an emphasis on the customer experience.

Even though you’re not in competition with others to deliver electricity to your members, the customer experience still
matters. When you make decisions that result in better operations, reduced costs, and safer conditions, members will take notice. However, the ever-savvy customer also wants some say in managing their own budgets when it comes to energy use.

See how you can give your members the right insight and tools to take control.

In this e-Book, you will learn how:

  • Real-time communications has a direct effect on your member’s outage duration
  • A smart meter can alert you to potentially dangerous situations at the home
  • Operational savings can have a profound effect on your member’s pocketbook

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