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News Release

Nine of Ontario’s Largest Utilities to Deploy the Sensus FlexNet Solution

35 Ontario Utilities Select Sensus for Best AMI Solution for 1.2M Regional Endpoints

More than half of all utilities participating in the ongoing London Hydro Smart Meter Consortium Project, comprising 1.2 million of the overall 1.8 million meters represented, will soon be using the Sensus FlexNet™ solution to service their customers.

The Sensus FlexNet system delivers timely and accurate AMI communications through crystal-clear and massively redundant RF data paths with double the power of competing systems. This empowers utilities to communicate with a complete range of endpoint devices including smart meters, intelligent home devices, and distribution automation equipment located in both rural and urban areas.

About Sensus

Sensus is a time-tested technology and communications company providing data collection and metering solutions for water, gas and electric utilities around the world. Sensus is a transforming force for the utilities of tomorrow through its ability to help customers optimize resources, as well as to meet conservation and customer service objectives. Sensus customers rely on the Company for expert, reliable service in order to meet challenges and exceed goals.

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