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White Paper

Next Generation AMI: A Guide to Optimizing AMI Network Operation by Using Multi-Channel Allocation

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology has changed the way utilities do business in the 21st century. Simple AMI functionalities — such as reading interval data, remote service connects and disconnects, and outage alarms — have all delivered significant operational savings and improved the bottom lines for many utilities.

But what’s next for utilities looking to streamline operations, reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, and overcome regulatory challenges? Does today’s technology stack up to the challenge of providing a cost effective, flexible, and scalable solution that can support more complex applications?

After reading this paper, you will have a better understanding of:

  • The two major AMI network topology schemes commonly used today;
  • The differences between multiple channels of licensed spectrum and a single shared channel of unlicensed spectrum; and
  • How future big data requirements will affect your network infrastructure speed and performance.

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